Frequently Asked Questions


  • Coach refers to the person providing the coaching services via the real coaching platform

  • Search in the iOS App Store or Google Play Store and locate The Real Coaching App. Simply launch the app and click on the 'Sign Up' option. Do note that Coaches are highly recommended to complete their sign-up process through a computer browser for a better sign-up experience.

    • A chemistry session is 10-15 minutes call/conversation between the coach and coachee to get to know each other and explore the mutual compatibility between the coach and coachee to engage in coaching assignment.

    • Take note that as a coach, only Coachees are allowed to send chemistry session requests. Ensure that your profile is well updated so that potential Coachees can see you as their choice coach.

  • A Coaching Session of minimum 1 hour of dedicated time that Coachees commit to by choosing an available time on your RealCoaching Calendar schedule so that both parties come together for a fruitful coaching outcome. There are many ways that you can choose to impart your learnings to a Coachee: from face-2-face activities to online or even simple tasks & assignments over email.

  • We provide executive coaching, leadership coaching, business coaching, topical coaching, life coaching and career coaching services.

  • At RealCoaching we believe in creating authentic and valuable relationships, which is why we chose to keep the initial app experience strictly one-way, only for Coachees to initiate. This allows our Coaches to be assured that only those committed & serious to their personal upgrading will be the ones to reach out to you.

    • A strength wheel is something that all Coachees have to enter and submit as part of their Coachee profile. Coaches can use the information on the strength wheel to determine where the Coachee sees themselves, and where they seek improvements.

    • Each coaching goal is displayed as a point on the strength wheel, and each goal’s competency is determined by the radial level, from Beginner-1 (closest to the centre of the wheel), to Expert-3 (furthest from the centre of the wheel)

  • No coaching session is complete without a proactive attempt at putting concepts learnt to practice. The coaching notebook allows both Coaches and Coachees to create simple tasks for one another; a simple assignment with files or descriptions, assigned to the other with a deadline.

  • It is crucial for Coaches to keep their calendars updated regularly. The app will send reminders every week to remind you to update your busy schedules so that it increases the chance that an interested Coachee can find a suitable time slot to engage your coaching services.


  • Coachee refers to the person receiving the coaching services via the platform.

  • Head over to the iOS App Store or Google Play Store and search The Real Coaching App. Simply launch the app and click on the 'Sign Up' option.

    • A chemistry session is 10-15 minutes call/conversation between the coach and coachee to get to know each other and explore the mutual compatibility between the coach and coachee to engage in coaching assignment.

  • A Coaching Session of minimum 1 hour of dedicated time that Coachees commit to by choosing an available time on your RealCoaching Calendar schedule so that both parties come together for a fruitful coaching outcome.

  • We provide executive coaching, leadership coaching, business coaching, topical coaching, life coaching and career coaching services.

    • A strength wheel is something that all Coachees have to enter and submit as part of their Coachee profile. Coaches can use the information on the strength wheel to determine where the Coachee sees themselves, and where they seek improvements.

    • Each coaching goal is displayed as a point on the strength wheel, and each goal’s competency is determined by the radial level, from Beginner-1 (closest to the centre of the wheel), to Expert-3 (furthest from the centre of the wheel)

  • No coaching session is complete without a proactive attempt at putting concepts learnt to practice. The coaching notebook allows both Coaches and Coachees to create simple tasks for one another; a simple assignment with files or descriptions, assigned to the other with a deadline.

  • All payments from Coachees go through our in-app purchase system using a valid credit card. We do not save your credit card information to maintain the highest level of data privacy practices for our users.