Leadership Coaching

Leadership coaching is purposed to help you optimise your leadership skills to engage, inspire and transform people to achieve shared organisational goals.

What does our leadership coach do?


Our leadership coaches improve the impact and effectiveness of organisational leaders to bring people to places they have never been before.  

Most leaders today still adopt a transactional style in their leadership. In essence, they are practising management which nestles on the premise of performance and reward approach. Organisations today are mostly having a multi-generational workforce with the more millennials with make up 75% of the workforce by 2025.

Research shows that one of the keys to attracting and retaining talented millennials is by adopting transformational leadership style that enhances diversity and inclusion that are befitting the millennials.

Our leadership coaches are skilled at developing coaches to be transformational leaders with 1 to1 attention and coaching, developing you to be the leader that your people truly admire and willingly follow. Thriving on authentic coach/coachee relationship and mutually identified areas for development, this approach ensures coachees apply their newly-learned leadership behaviours and insights back at the workplace.


Why do I need a leadership coach?

If you are struggling with inspiring your team to scale greater heights, having an uninspired team, unproductive teams, talent turnover, change-reluctant team, discouraged employees, unenthusiastic team, inward-looking people, burnt-out staff and more, you might be a good candidate for leadership coaching. As John Maxwell once said, “Everything rises and falls with leadership”. There is something you can do to reverse the tide. You probably need help. 

Our leadership coach is committed to provide you with individual attention, support and feedback to help you be a transformational leader that makes a difference to their constituents. Like all others, you too would have leadership blindspots that impede your effectiveness as a leader. Our coach would normally adopt a 360 developmental assessment that reveals your strengths and  areas for development (blindspots included) to heighten your leadership effectiveness. This feedback serves as the platform for setting leadership coaching mandate. 

Our coach will provide a confidential, supportive setting for achieving your leadership coaching goals, leverage emergent opportunities and mitigate your leadership challenges.

A typical coaching session will end with an agreement on the next steps the you will take prior to the following coaching session. The following coaching session will begin with a review of the previous session's assignment. This provides a framework of accountability for a busy leader to complete specific actions before a new coaching item in the mandate is deliberated on.


“Great leaders are developed. Leadership coaching is the catalyst that helps individuals develop the necessary skills and mindset to become transformational leaders.”

— Dr. Lily Cheng

Get Matched with a Coach!

We understand that everyone has different needs, so we've made sure to only employ certified experts who are ready and willing to help. Simply answer a few questions and let us do the work: We'll match you with your ideal Coach in no time!

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